Bluestone Yeast Now Available For Home Brewers

Bluestone Yeast Co. has expanded its product offer to cater to savvy home brewers with a new range of 120ml live yeast packs–each of which contains 200 billion yeast cells!

The range comprises ten of our most popular yeast strains and takes home brewers a step closer to replicating the beer quality of their favourite craft breweries.

Bluestone Yeast founder and scientist Dr Derek Lacey says he’s thrilled the company’s yeast is now available to the nation’s home brewers.

“While they might not be doing it professionally, a good portion of home brewers have a level of knowledge, expertise and passion rivaling that of many pro-brewers. In recognition of this, we wanted to make the same ingredients available to them as the pro brewers have.”

Derek says pitching live liquid yeast has a number of advantages over dried yeast.

“Typically, you’ll find liquid yeast produces lower fusel alcohols; lower levels of acetaldehyde, which produce off flavours; and superior, enhanced esters, which produce crisper, fruitier notes.”

He adds that freshness is another reason domestically-produced liquid yeast can produce superior brews.

“When brewing with liquid yeast, it’s critical that it’s fresh. For the first time here in Australia, home brewers can get access to fresh liquid yeast that’s produced locally. Previously, this was only available to pro brewers.”

Unlike some yeast producers, Bluestone Yeast date stamps its packs with a production date, so brewers can be confident they’re pitching a sufficient number of live yeast cells.

With over 200 billion live yeast cells in each pack, brewers can pitch the yeast without needing to make a starter. Brewing with so much fresh yeast also makes re-pitching a viable option.

“Re-pitching is a great way to make your yeast go a few extra rounds, which ends up a bit easier on your hip pocket,” Derek says.

Each yeast strain is packaged in a pre-sterilised nutrient solution of water, malted barley, autolysed yeast extract, amino acids and trace minerals to ensure the yeast reaches the brewer in peak condition.




London: A true top-cropping strain with a light, fruity and softly-balanced palate. It has a wonderful malt and hop profile and will finish slightly sweet.

Michigan: Michigan is perfect for strong, well-balanced IPAs. It produces stonefruit esters that pair well with citrus hops.

Oslo: A phenomenal wort attenuator that produces super-clean beer in just a few days. Keeping it hot is the key to getting beer finished in a quick time without any off flavours.

Munich: A strain traditionally used to build weizen beers where big banana aroma is required. Balanced with mild clove, this strain will produce something wunderbar!

San Diego: With a nice clean character, this strain performs well at standard ale temps. For exceptionally crisp ales try brewing between 14-16ºC .

Bergen: Used in the production of Norwegian farmhouse ale, this strain is a fast fermenter with good attenuation, a light earthy spiciness, marked tartness and unique ‘orange peel’ ester profile.

Stuttgart: If you want crisp lager, this strain is for you. Stuttgart can produce clean ‘pseudo lagers’ at ale temperatures, but also works as a traditional lager strain down to the low teens.

Pilsen: Good flocculation with low sulfur and diacetyl. Clean fermentations produce amazing bocks, helles, pilsner, dunkles, and just about any other lager style you throw its way.

New England: Juicy and fruity, this is the strain for East Coast IPAs. The ester profile brings out the aromas and flavours of modern hop varieties to create a beer that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Cologne: Clean and crisp, perfect for a German kölsch and other delicate, light-coloured beers. Improved flocculation characteristics make for brighter beers in a shorter amount of time.

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